Erae Lab


Each layout element can be customized in the Lab with options like MIDI channel settings, velocity curves, control change values, colors, sizes, and more. The Tune feature provides another way to adjust element settings, offering flexibility to work even when you're away from your Erae. For example, scales can be pre-configured in the Lab but are also editable directly on the Erae 2 with a single click. Similarly, control changes can be set in the Lab or mapped directly from the pad on the Erae. Keep in mind that scale changes apply only to the currently displayed layout, and if multiple elements are present in a layout, the change will affect the most recently touched element.

Tune Keyboards and Keygrids

Keygrids draw inspiration from string instruments and can be made isomorphic by setting any scale to chromatic. To enable or disable MPE mode on Keygrid or Keyboard elements, toggle the MPE selector under the Tune tab.

In both MIDI 1.0 and MPE modes, the Tune tab focuses on two main aspects: Note and Expressivity attributes.

  • Note attributes define settings like scales, pitch bend ranges, and MIDI channels.
  • Expressivity attributes control gesture-based parameters such as finger X-Z positions, X-Y relative movements, and advanced pressure options.

This setup ensures a high level of customization for expressive and versatile performance.